Lord, you have blessed our school throughout the years, Making it the center of teaching, service, and faith. For this we give you thanks. Guide us now as we carry the Light of Christ To our family, school, church, and community With Honor and praise to Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
Educate the Mind.
Cathedral School provides a safe and accepting environment
Courses include religion, math, reading, language, arts, social studies, and science
Curriculum standards are set forth by the Diocese of Superior and are consistent with the WI State Standards
Teachers are certified by the Department of Public Instruction
Web-based parent portal for 5th-8th grade allows parents easy access to their child’s educational performance
Inspire the Heart.
Students and staff are committed to living the values of faith, respect responsibility, honesty, and service
Students seek opportunities to volunteer and serve in their community
Nurture the Soul.
Cathedral School partners with area parishes and parents
Students attend and participate in Mass weekly
Students receive Religious Education at age-appropriate levels, and rooted in the teachings of the Catechism of the Catholic Church