Tuition Assistance

Tuition Assistance, in excess of $30,000 per year, is awarded to families that require financial assistance, K-8th. (There is no assistance for Preschool.)
It is Cathedral’s intent that no child not attend our school because of tuition. If tuition is a concern, please apply for tuition assistance. Applications are available mid-to-late April and are strictly confidential.
Click here for details→ Tuition Assistance Information
Sr. Brady Scholarship
Sister Kathleen Agnes Brady Trust Tuition Scholarships are also awarded by the Diocese of Superior. The scholarship recipient(s) will be selected by the Principal, and awarded in June. You must be an active, participating, contributing member of one of the 5 supporting parishes to be eligible for this scholarship.
Scrip Program
What is Scrip and how does it help the school? Cathedral School purchases gift certificates at a discount from available vendors and then we sell them to you at their face value. You then use them just like cash at your favorite store and Cathedral keeps the difference!
Is there a catch? NO! These vendors participate in Scrip programs because they have a vested interest in the community. They support us as we support them. It is a win-win arrangement for everyone!
When and where can I buy Scrip?
Scrip Online Order Information
How can Scrip benefit you? For each Scrip order you place, 90% of the profit from that order will go towards your next year’s tuition. You can maximize your tuition credit by recruiting family and friends and asking them to put your family’s name in the tuition credit area of the order form. Standing Orders can also help you maximize your tuition credit.
Scrip Certificates If you are not sure what certificate to purchase someone, you can purchase gift certificates for our Scrip program in the main office. These certificates can be purchased for any dollar amount.
Please email the scrip committee by email here for more information or to place an order.
Below you will find a link to the current order form, it will change as vendors change. However, new items can also be written in on the bottom of your order form. Feel free to check out the Great Lakes Scrip Center website at to see all the other merchants if you find yourself traveling or looking for gifts!